Post by Kurt NicklasI will never ever vote for any Republican that supports, or votes for
immigration reform.
Me neither
GAWD, I hope not
The more dumb assholes like you keep voting in those sicko
teabaggers---the BETTER it is for REAL Americans to be elected.
Real Americans like Spitzer, Weiner,Barney Frank, Mel Reynolds, Gary
Studds,Kwame Kilpatrick,Wayne Hays and John Edwards?
Drop in the bucket compared to Nixon, Raygun, Bush, Cheney, D'Amato,
Burton, Livingston, liars, perjurers, adulterers, who's presence,
votes, behavior and goals ALL produced misery and woe for Americans.
Your tiny whine still can't negate the fact that their VOTES and goals
made legislation to better America and help people.
Now, name any conservative policy, program, or goal of conservatives
in the last few generations that produced anything like the results of
progressives and liberals have.