Post by Kurt NicklasPost by Kurt NicklasMatt, still think George Bush and everyone who voted for him
should be executed?
Snickers, you clearly have nothing to say.
Bubkis,what I have to say is what you keep deleting.
You can't cover it up, REALLY want to escape
your words from the past.
"Yep. Bush must be executed. Anyone that has ever backed him must be
executed. Anyone that voted for him must be executed."
---- Matt Telles, 10/17/05!original/
Post by Kurt Nicklas1 _jkA/yZ3CYuOPySsJ
Matt Brooks wants to murder people.
What a psychopath.
Yep, and backed up by Kurt "I'm going to kill you" Nicklas and his
No surprise there. Why do you think he keep trying to convince you I'm
the one that wants to kill people? Why do you?
Because you keep fantasizing about it and I don't.
You've posted your fantasies in a public forum over a period of years.
That's why.
Post by Kurt NicklasBeacuse insane people always blame others for their mistakes.
Which, by your own definition,makes you insane.
Seek help, sicko.
"So, you are a Commie? I hope they string you up and execute you,
stinking Communist.
---- Matt Telles, 10/10/09
"Hope you kill yourself soon, Nickie. Please make it horrible and
---- Matt Telles 2/6/12
"No, we feel that you should be executed. What's your address, traitor?"
---- Matt Telles threatens my life, 10/30/09
"You WILL be tracked down, you WILL be tried, you WILL be executed."
---- Matt Telles threatens my life, 10/29/09
"Now, are you going to kill yourself and save the country? "
---- Matt Telles and his death obsessions, 1/23/12
"I declare you to be Al Qaeda.
We will, of course, torture you until you admit it.
Now do you see the problem? If not, post your name and address, little
coward, and we'll show you."
--------- Matt Telles 11/19/11