Post by Kurt NicklasPost by Y***@Jurgis.netNO such thing as "free medical care", ya drunken crank caller.
Not for normal people, no. You, however, suck off the government tit to
support yourself.
Post by Kurt NicklasPost by Y***@Jurgis.netUncompensated HC services are paid for by taxes
In your case, your services are paid for by the taxes of others.
Nope, wrong again
Post by Kurt NicklasPost by Y***@Jurgis.netI don't get "free" medical care.
Yes, you do. They're paid for by PRODUCTIVE citizens.
Wrong again. But keep guessing
Post by Kurt NicklasPost by Y***@Jurgis.netThe last 30 years show-(clearly) that the transfer of wealth from
Bottom to top is at a record amount
Except in your case, of course. You get medical care and that government
'condo' down the road from the SDNG post.
I know, isn't Google earth wonderful
Seen your shitty hovel too. Laughed.
Wouldn't live in the hell hole of a state----unless I was an avowed
racist asshole wanting the south to "rise again"
That'd be you, knickkers.
Post by Kurt NicklasHahaha. You're a pathetic joke.
Then again---I didn't make drunk calls, hanging up, file dozens and
dozens of complaints, pay to search out addresses, whine and cry about
being "stalked" and abused.......But YOU DID.
Didn't you,Knickkers
Post by Kurt Nicklas================================================
These postings prove that the right-wing are the "party of hate"..
Examples follow..
Post by Kurt Nicklas===========================================
"Well, we've got your leftist traitor-fucks in our sights.
Your neighbors want to know: "Nylon or hemp?"
"That "whoosing" sound you hear, ass-fuck, is America swinging
a baseball bat to the back of your shit-filled skull."
"George" <***>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 15:05:07 -0500
"I would prefer holding him down on the ground,
while tearing pieces of his flesh off his face
and chest with a pair of pliers, and kicking him
in the jaw every time he screamed in pain, telling
him to shut up because he is not allowed to make
any noise. Taunting him during the course of his
"re-education" is also recommended. Making a video
of the experience that can be posted on the internet
as a warning to others would be beneficial as well."
"MFOgilvie" <***>
Date: 10 Feb 2005 05:02:56 -0800 NNTP-Posting-Host:
Message-ID: <***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"So go ahead and make you last insult without
backing your play, cause the only person you
will be impressing is yourself.... So make
it your best shot, but I'll still be the
last one standing!" needless <***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"I truly and sincerely hope you die a horrible death,
and more than that, I hope it's caught on tape so
that I can watch you scream in agony as I just laugh
and laugh and laugh. What a sick bastard."
Fraud Robertson <***>Fri, 03 Aug 2001 03:18:10 GMT
*-*-* *-*-*
"Try* it, you crappy little faggot bitch. Don't
just sit there: come try it. I'll take your
fuckin' life, instantly, and sleep like a baby."
Billy Beck <***> Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 23:50:17 GMT
Message-ID: <***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"I'm probably much more dangerous than Billy [Beck],
but I'd need serious motivation to prove it. My
cultural beliefs are far stronger than yours or
Kurt's or just about anyone else here, most likely."
"File of the Dud" <***> news:<lnApd.812$***>
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 06:50:57 GMT
*-*-* *-*-*
"I await with breathless anticipation the next round of
major rioting in this wretched country to see if any
cancer-stricken elderly convenience store owner finally
has the seeds to mow down a couple dozen "looters",
cleansing the genome of bent chromozones, and to the
devil with what the court-goons will do him after the fact.
I really mean it: Fatso cheesepuffers laying face-down
in their own intestines, their paws still wrapped around
purloined DVDs, gasping their last on CNN.
And one of 'em should be *you*, Squirtsy.
I can't wait."
Michael Schneider <***> Fri, 07 Mar 2003 00:10:52 -0600 news:<yehawconan-***@>
*-*-* *-*-*
"How horrible, how *wrong* it would be, Lochner, if, while
you were typing something like this, your fat drunken face
were slammed forward into your monitor so hard that the
tube imploded and your head caught on fire. I would deplore
any such eventuality, and could never approve such a thing.
Violence, shrieking bloody high voltage flaming mayhem and
mutilation, can *never* be right, no matter how much of a
crawling, disgusting, despicable, worthless little toad
that you prove yourself to be.
johnz~ <***> Mon, 05 Feb 2001 05:11:20 GMT
*-*-* *-*-*
"Let's take a nice, Glen "Sliverdick" Yeadon style pure-democratic
vote: All for putting Glen "Sliverdick" Yeadon up against the wall,
and filling him full of lead, say "AYE!" All opposed, say "NAY"
Let's see how much Sliverdick likes democracy now."
Aaron R. Kulkis <***>Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:47:32 -
*-*-* *-*-*
"Liberal and socialists will be targets to
shoot on sight when the shit hits the fan."
Dr Fuji Kamikase <***> 30 Aug 2000 00:56:06 GMT
*-*-*- -*-*-*
"Damned despicable LIARS should have their kneecaps broke
into 87 pieces."
Wayne Mann (*** Thu, 17 Aug 2000 15:58:56 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-*- -*-*-*
Steven Litvintchouk <***> news:<***> Wed, 05 Mar 2003 18:57:17 GMT
"This ain't the 1960's anymore. We must act to defend
our freedoms and our country. Drive the left-wing
from the airwaves, the movies, and the theater!
Drive them back into the sewers from whence they came!
Make America OURS!"
*-*-* *-*-*
"Dana" <***> news:<***>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 11:57:02 -0800
"I do not run from wimpy leftists, I put them in hospitals.
Not only do I beat leftists, I advocate the use of force
against leftists who resort to insults and lies. You all
cry about how the religious are trying to force their
beliefs on everyone, when in fact they are not, and it is
you people on the left with your secular humanism that is
forcing their beliefs on everyone. Which is why I advocate
the use of force against you people."
*-*-* *-*-*
"Dana" <***> news:<***>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 22:35:19 -0800
"Remember gary we have your address, maybe it is time
to come to SD and hold you responsible for what you
have been fradulently posting. Maybe a few weeks in
the hospital might clear up your head for you."
*-*-* *-*-*
Canyon <***> Fri, 07 Mar 2003 11:03:18 GMT news:<***>
"Liberal guys are threatened by guys like [Bruce] Willis.
they know their women are attracted to real men and they
know they themselves don't have a snowball's chance in
hell of ever being a real man as evidenced by their
continuing whimpers about being victims."
*-*-* *-*-*
"I want to see Uncle Sam jam a goddamn electrode
in Hanson's cranium so we can finally get some
fucking TRUTH out of you lying sacks of shit.
Yeah, can you feel the anger, you lying piece of shit fucks?
The whole fucked-up country is filled with lying sacks of shit
like you and Lochner and Gandalf now and my one consolation is
that you've succeeeded in fucking your own kids, too."
"File of the Dud" <***> news:<HrHw9.1988$***>
Sat, 02 Nov 2002 03:15:51 GMT
*-*-* *-*-*
"Academics are good for use as replacement
clay targets in trap shooting."
Shrill Blonde <***> news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"I'd kill you if you'd burn."
Shrill Blonde <***>Mon, 15 Sep 2003 01:02:24 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Another option is the rendering plant."
Shrill Blonde <***>Wed, 24 Dec 2003 21:01:45 -0800 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Another option would be to shoot you in the head."
Shrill Blonde <***>Fri, 12 Sep 2003 23:31:31 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"You want to be run over by a road grader?"
Shrill Blonde <***>Tue, 09 Sep 2003 23:14:34 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"I suggest you worry a little more about your friends
who are posting threats against the president of the
United States. Threatening to kill you, who could
just be a bot, is nothing in comparison."
Shrill Blonde <***>Tue, 09 Sep 2003 22:49:52 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"You are an evildoing worthless piece of shit.
Your life is worthless. It would be nice if
Israel would widen its sweep on the scum and
include you."
"Shrill Blonde" <***> Thu, 21 Aug 2003 04:58:16 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Let me make this very clear, and you can take this as a
personal threat, I will kill anyone whom I consider a problem
anywhere and anytime. You are discussing shit with someone who
thinks that killing is part of doing business."
Bill Bonde <***> news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Let's play a little game where you and I have guns and
you and I are seperated by a few thousand feet. Asshole."
Bill Bonde <***> Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:59:59 -0700 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Time to knock your head off. No more being nice and polite
to the left in America, time to rise up and hit the fuckers
on the left. All the left wants to do is restrict our
freedoms and liberties, time to tell them to get the hell
out of the country, either alive or dead, just get the hell out."
"Dana" <***> news:<***> Thu, 21 Aug 2003 20:51:19
*-*-* *-*-*
"Given the comments others have made towards Tubby Tim,
in far more cutting and rational a fashion..I suspect
yours will elicit nothing more than a grunt and a grin,
and having your email addy penciled into the To Be Executed List"
Gunner <***> Tue, 02 Sep 2003 07:03:54 GMT news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"I hereby "threaten" to track you down and skin you alive
with a knife dipped in shit. My "threat" has as much validity
as al-Qareda's and has about the same chance of happening."
"Morton Davis" <***> news:<sHt7b.409263$***@sccrnsc04>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 23:50:48 GMT
*-*-* *-*-*
"Make another post like that and I will track you down
and fucking kill you myself."
"Howard Hong" <***>Sat,20 Sep 2003 17:11:41 news:<***>
*-*-* *-*-*
"Conservatives have no ideas; just irritable mental
gestures, which seek to resemble ideas"
-Lionel Trilling