Kurt Nicklas
2013-09-14 20:35:43 UTC
##The Matthew A. Telles Usenet Quotation FAQ
There has to be more than that.http://tinyurl.com/mhpd6do
Now, cataloging the stupid things you and he have said in, say, the last
week could use up valuable hard disk space. Gigabytes, probably.
Run away, little fool, before you get beat up again. Snickers is so
terrified of people, he posts clipped, out of context, comments
George Bush and everyone who voted for him should be killed.
Tell me. What "context" could justify such a statement?
You're a disgusting, foul-mouthed, hypocritical scumbag and your own
comments prove it.
Here's your quote and a link into the archives. Tell me what "context"
is there to justify it:
"Yep. Bush must be executed. Anyone that has ever backed him must be
executed. Anyone that voted for him must be executed."
---- Matt Telles, 10/17/05